Sports Medicine and Acute Sports Injury Treatments in Chandler
Orthopedic surgeons and specialists don’t just treat sports injuries that occur during competitive play or practices on a field. There are many “weekend warrior” sports injuries that effect active people while they run, hike, ski or participate in any other rigorous activities that have the potential to result in falls, abrasions or involve repetitive motions.
Ligament & Meniscus Tears

The types of ligament repair surgeries most commonly prescribed take the form of transferring a healthy piece of tendon from one part of the body to replace a torn or damaged ligament elsewhere.

Not every bone fracture will require the musculoskeletal expertise for an orthopedic surgeon, but orthopedic specialists can do more than perform surgeries. They are also the medical professionals to trust when it comes to properly setting and casting fractured bones to ensure optimal healing and recovery.
Sprains & Strains

For most minor sprains or strains, even those that knock you off your routine for a couple weeks, at-home remedies are still often the best course of action. There’s a frequently used acronym that’s pretty spot on for people suffering from sprains and strains: RICE – rest, ice, compress, elevate.
We are dedicated to helping patients realize the potential the human body has to heal itself if given the proper nurturing, nutrition and modern orthopedic care.